Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Memories of Saturday Morning Cartoons

Listening to Nitrate 88 last Saturday, I heard a classic, classic song: the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' theme! I've been jamming to the song ever since -- a coworker walked in on me singing and dancing to it while making the morning coffee.

To my amazement and later dismay, I decided to watch the previously Saturday-now-Sunday morning cartoons on the CW. After about five minutes of the new TMNT show, I was done. April got married. I mean, I guess it makes sense, but really? I can't help but still find Usagi Yojimbo's appearances as strange and the mecha suits as even odder. (It wasn't even for a brain needing a body.) Shredder is no longer a proper noun; he is now The Shredder. After a Wikipedia investigation, I have learned that The Shredder is a title "used for four separate, yet connected villians." So the villain could be an ancient demon from ancient Japan, our most recognized and beloved non-mutant alien, the adopted daughter of the alien, or a cyber version that eventually becomes human.

In my investigation, I did learn that Nickelodeon is in the process of creating a new CGI version due to debut in 2012. Not only are kids today being poisoned by bad renditions of our beloved 80s hit, but it seems the prophecies of imminent doom might just hold true.

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